Court rules government acted unlawfully in treatment of unaccompanied children – but it’s not too late for you to play your part

The Supreme Court ruled that the Government had acted unlawfully by failing to provide adequate reasons for rejecting applications to the Dubs scheme.

Back in 2015, around 14,000 people contacted Home for Good and offered to explore the fostering process in order to provide a loving home to an unaccompanied asylum-seeking child. These people demonstrated radical generosity, hospitality and goodwill to some of the world’s most vulnerable children. Sadly, the political will was lacking and very few children have received a safe home here in the UK.

This week, the court found that children as young as eight were refused entry to the UK and given no reason as to why. The Government had previously agreed to offer just 480 children the opportunity to resettle in the UK via the so-called Dubs scheme, yet despite this woefully small number, only 280 or so children have actually received a place.

Would you write to your MP to remind them of the offer that thousands of people made in 2015, and encourage them to call on the Government to fill the remaining places now? The very least the Government can do is make sure that the 200 remaining places on the Dubs scheme for refugee children are filled urgently.

How to write to your MP:

Go to and follow the instructions to contact your MP. Adapt the following letter into your own words.

Dear X

It will have no doubt come to your attention that the Supreme Court ruled this week that the government acted illegally towards refugee children. I urge you out of respect for the laws of our land, out of compassion towards vulnerable children and as my constituency MP to do everything in your power to make sure that at the very least the 200 remaining spaces on the Dubs scheme are filled urgently. It is not right that our great nation should turn its back on children, many of whom are facing a fourth winter in unsafe conditions.

Yours sincerely.

Thank you for playing your part for vulnerable children.

Written by Home for Good


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