Tag: Church

The Church: a community of shared light


The Church: a community of shared light

Our Northern Ireland and Nations’ Lead, Roger Cooke shares some reflections on fire, community and the Olympic Games.

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Considerate conversation


Considerate conversation

There’s so much we can do, right now, to make a positive difference in the lives of young people in care. Some of these things might seem small or insignificant – but the truth is that they have a huge impact.

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Home for Good hosts Northern Ireland church leader breakfast


Home for Good hosts Northern Ireland church leader breakfast

On Monday 5 December 2022, we gathered with 15 church leaders from across Northern Ireland to share the vision of Home for Good over bacon butties and coffee.

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Johnny’s story


Johnny’s story

Johnny's church has partnered with Home for Good and his desire is that this partnership mobilises people to give generously of their time, their resources and their ideas.

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The power of people who ‘get it’


The power of people who ‘get it’

What difference you could make in the lives of those who love and are raising care-experienced children by even more intentionally journeying alongside?

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Being ‘Church’


Being ‘Church’

Home for Good believe the Church is ideally placed to make a transformational difference, offering more safe and loving homes for children and teenagers who are waiting and a robust and stable support network ready to welcome and care.

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Little changes


Little changes

Reflections from a volunteer kids' leader

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Unwrapping Christmas: Church


Unwrapping Christmas: Church

We want to highlight three examples of areas that can be challenging and offer some questions that might help you consider what part you could play in supporting the families in your church in this season.

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Tackling racial disparity: The journey so far


Tackling racial disparity: The journey so far

“We believe we can see the tide turn on racial inequality within the care system.”

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Stability Part 1: The role the Church can play


Stability Part 1: The role the Church can play

This month, we’re focusing on the theme of stability. Our desire is for children and young people not just to experience initial stability, but ongoing security, safety and love with relationships that remain consistent and ongoing in their lives.

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A story from Hong Kong


A story from Hong Kong

Cadence Lam shares how her church’s ministry to vulnerable children has changed her life and her church

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What the Church needs to know about building resilience


What the Church needs to know about building resilience

Relationships are key to repairing trauma, building attachment and resilience.

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What the Church needs to know about infertility


What the Church needs to know about infertility

Infertility has been much misunderstood in Christian culture and in the Church.

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What the Church needs to know about confidentiality


What the Church needs to know about confidentiality

To be safe and welcoming, it is vital that churches understand and respect the need for confidentiality.

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What the Church needs to know about attachment


What the Church needs to know about attachment

To be safe and welcoming, it is vital that churches understand attachment.

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What the Church needs to know about moves


What the Church needs to know about moves

Why 'moves' matter and how to support families through times of transition.

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What the Church needs to know about FASD


What the Church needs to know about FASD

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are a reality for many looked after children and their families.

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Five ways to support families at Christmas


Five ways to support families at Christmas

Christmas can be full of joy and festive fun, but also brings challenges.

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Moses, adoption and the Church - Part 3: Support


Moses, adoption and the Church - Part 3: Support

Exploring what support for foster and adoptive families could look like.

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What the Church needs to know about the real impact of support


What the Church needs to know about the real impact of support

How the Church can support foster and adoptive families and the difference it makes.

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What the Church needs to know about trauma


What the Church needs to know about trauma

Helping us to understand that all children in care or with a care background have experienced trauma, and how we can respond to support them.

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What the Church needs to know about single adopters


What the Church needs to know about single adopters

A growing number of those sensing God's call to adopt are single, so here are some thoughts from single adopters so we can better understand and support each one.

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