A step towards stability

At Home for Good we are passionate about ensuring children and young people have a safe, secure and loving place to call home.

If you have been following Home for Good for a while, you may remember that during the General Election 2019 campaign we launched an open letter calling the new government to end the use of inappropriate accommodation for young people such as B&Bs, bedsits, caravan parks and canal boats. You may have even signed it!

We are delighted that on the 23 March 2023, the Government announced a ban on all unregulated accommodation for young people in care. This means that any accommodation used to house young people must first be scrutinised by Ofsted and pass Government quality standards. At Home for Good we welcome this step taken by the Government as it will drastically reduce the use of B&Bs, Bedsit, Caravans and canal boats, which we believe are entirely inappropriate for young people in care. While we are disappointed the Government hasn’t brought in an outright ban on these types of accommodation, this is a significant step towards ensuring young people are housed in suitable accommodation and is a cause for celebration!

You may also remember that in 2021, we published a report called Brimming with Potential which made a case for increased investment in supported lodgings, a family-based care provision for young people aged 16+. The report highlighted supported lodgings as a brilliant option for the increasing number of teenagers entering the care system, as well as being a means of addressing the issue of young people living in inappropriate accommodation.

Building on the foundations of this report, Home for Good established the Supported Lodgings National Network (SLNN) in April 2022. The Network is a collection of local authorities and organisations who provide supported lodgings schemes across England. Now with over 100 members, representing over 70 local authorities and other providers, Home for Good in collaboration with the SLNN was well-placed to work with the Government to highlight the needs of supported lodgings, exploring and feeding back on the Government’s plans in this area.

We are delighted that so much of the SLNN’s feedback has been taken on board by the Government, recognising supported lodgings as a valuable care provision for teenagers. We are especially pleased to see the Government ‘tailor’ regulations to suit the unique needs of supported lodgings. The Government has said:

“Supported lodgings are a category of provision in this sector that we want to see expand and occupy a greater portion of the market.” – Department for Education, March 2023

This marks significant progress in our ongoing mission to raise the profile of supported lodgings within Government. Home for Good welcomes the regulations, which are designed to enable supported lodgings to flourish. In response to the news, Home for Good CEO Tarn Bright commented:

“Getting supported lodgings ‘back on the table’ with the Government and amplifying it’s worth as a credible family-based option for caring for young people is a game changer. Together we can find a home for every child who needs one.”

Latest statistics highlight just how crucial supported lodgings is. Over recent years the number of teenagers entering the care system has been increasing, with one in four (25%) children in care now aged 16 years and over. It is also the case that the number of young people housed in ‘semi- independent living accommodation’ (the category of care that includes supported lodgings), has increased 23% since 2021 and has more than doubled (130% increase) since 2012. This means there are thousands of young people who could benefit from the family-based care of supported lodgings.

Ensuring that suitable, safe and secure accommodation is available to every young person in care is of paramount importance to Home for Good. Alongside raising the profile of supported lodgings within Government, we are committed to growing the pool of supported lodgings hosts. Have you considered what part you could play in caring for teenagers?

For more information, you can watch our supported lodgings explainer video or sign up to one of our Caring for Children and Teenagers online information events here.

Sam at Home for Good

Date published:
31 March 2023



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