Home for Good creates and collates content to encourage you, including informative articles, inspirational stories, recent reports and responses to current news, and blogs based on the personal experiences of those directly involved in caring for children. Browse our most recent content below, or use the drop-down to select the type of content you want to explore.
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Our achievements
A list of some of the achievements of the Home for Good advocacy team over the years
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5 questions to ask your prospective parliamentary candidate during the 2024 general election
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Reflecting on Good Friday
Despite the outward appearance of a crushing setback, Good Friday was a day of triumph, unveiling God's divine plan and the true nature of his reign.
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The Church: a community of shared light
Our Northern Ireland and Nations’ Lead, Roger Cooke shares some reflections on fire, community and the Olympic Games.
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Why we need the language of lament
Home for Good’s Theologian in Residence, Tim Davy, shares some reflections on being honest with God, for our own sake and for others.
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Considerate conversation
There’s so much we can do, right now, to make a positive difference in the lives of young people in care. Some of these things might seem small or insignificant – but the truth is that they have a huge impact.
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Identity: Being seen and being blessed
Our theologian in residence Tim Davy explores how our identity and value as human beings is rooted in being made in God's image.
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Back to school
School, and the return to it after the summer holidays, can be particularly challenging for children who have had a difficult start in life.
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Home for Good’s manifesto asks for the next General Election
Our five asks to help the next government commit to systemic improvements to children’s social care.
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Joe Swash: Teens in Care
Here's what stood out to us in Joe Swash: Teens in Care.
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The Dutchie Pot and Injera flat bread: two stories of hospitality
Simon shares of two encounters that taught him the true meaning of hospitality
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Why isn’t there a theology of foster care?
Inspired by Foster Care Fortnight, I wanted to write a piece about theology and foster care. But here’s the trouble: there isn’t a theology of foster care.
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The importance of place
Simon reflects on the places and spaces where Jesus spent his time, and what that means for us as we care for children through fostering, adoption and supported lodgings
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Counter-cultural community
Home for Good’s Theologian in Residence, Tim Davy, shares some reflections on community from the book of Romans.
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Why we've not made any New Year's Resolutions this year
At Home for Good, we haven't made any New Year's resolutions this year. Here's why.
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Five changes we want to see in 2023
At Home for Good we are committed to seeing change from the top down – sparking systemic improvements to the care system plays a crucial role in our mission to find homes across the UK.
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Chrimbo Limbo
How can you survive and thrive in the strange days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve?
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Five things we LOVE about the 2022 John Lewis Christmas advert
The John Lewis Christmas ad is here. And we love it.
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Five things to know about the impact of monthly donations
At Home for Good, we rely on your gifts and generosity to ensure that every child has a stable and loving home where they can thrive.
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What steps can we take towards helping a child or teenager understand who they are?
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Holding on to HOPE
At Home for Good one of our values is that we are hopeful – or hope-full. Why is that so important to us? There are lots of reasons, but here are three of them.
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How to ‘nail’ the summer holidays
Suggestions to help you consider how you can navigate the summer as those caring through fostering, adoption or supported lodgings.
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Why we love festivals
We can't wait to join you at a number of festivals this summer, including The Gathering in Swindon, Festival Manchester, New Wine and Creation Fest. Find out why.
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Levelling up for the self-employed: Home for Good launches a new report
Today, Home for Good is publishing a new report entitled, Adoption pay: Levelling up for the self-employed.
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There are so many ways for us to practice and demonstrate hospitality, and a world of people to receive it
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Being ‘Church’
Home for Good believe the Church is ideally placed to make a transformational difference, offering more safe and loving homes for children and teenagers who are waiting and a robust and stable support network ready to welcome and care.
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Did you know that Home for Good has a Theologian in Residence?
Tim Davy tells us a bit about his role and what it means for him to work with Home for Good
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Home for Good in the city
Home for Good loves working in cities, find out why and how you can get involved.
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You asked, we answered!
In Autumn 2021, we invited our Friends of Home for Good* to ask us their most pressing questions about what we do
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Four things to consider as you approach Mother’s Day
How can we navigate this brilliant, complex, difficult, wonderful day well for those who are care-experienced and their families?
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This is a justice issue
In Jesus, we see God’s care for His people demonstrated in word and deed. In Jesus, we see God’s love of justice in action.
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Rachael's story
Rachael Maskell has been the MP for York Central since 2015. Rachael chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Adoption and Permanence, and has shared with us a little about her role.
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We see you this Christmas
To every individual, couple and family loving and raising care-experienced children..
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Unwrapping Christmas: Presents
We all have different preferences, experiences and priorities when it comes to presents. For care-experienced children and their families, it’s another part of Christmas that might need to look a little different.
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Unwrapping Christmas: Meals
For many of us, our enjoyment and experience of food is something we take for granted, particularly at this time of year. Here are four things that might mean food at Christmas has to look a little different for some families.
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Unwrapping Christmas: Church
We want to highlight three examples of areas that can be challenging and offer some questions that might help you consider what part you could play in supporting the families in your church in this season.
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Unwrapping Christmas: Films
Let’s dig a little deeper into some of the storylines, themes and character depictions in our favourite Christmas films.
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Myth Busting: Adoption Older Children
We are often asked similar questions by people who are exploring adopting children over the age of three – with many questions based on misunderstandings or assumptions.
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Tackling racial disparity: The journey so far
“We believe we can see the tide turn on racial inequality within the care system.”
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Through thick and thin: reflections from an adoptive mum
An adoptive mum shares how she journeys with her children and finds precious connections, even in those harder moments.
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Stability Part 2: The Role of the System
Our desire is for children and young people not just to experience initial stability, but ongoing security, safety and love with relationships that remain consistent and ongoing in their lives.
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Stability Part 1: The role the Church can play
This month, we’re focusing on the theme of stability. Our desire is for children and young people not just to experience initial stability, but ongoing security, safety and love with relationships that remain consistent and ongoing in their lives.
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Compassion Fatigue: How to help
What to do if you’re alongside someone who might have compassion fatigue, whether they have identified it as this or not.
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Compassion Fatigue: Five things you can do
It can be so difficult to recognise and acknowledge the signs of compassion fatigue. Here are five things you can do if this is where you find yourself today.
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Compassion Fatigue: The symptoms and the cause
Compassion fatigue can affect people from all walks of life. But what is it, and why does it happen to us?
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Summer 'sabotage'?
We've all dreamed of the perfect family day out but the reality is often not how we imagined
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Changing the landscape for children in care
At Home for Good we are committed to finding a home for every child who needs one – and we take a two-pronged approach to achieve this vision.
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Three things to practice this summer
Whatever the next few months hold for you, we want you to know we are standing with you and praying for you.
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What the Church needs to know about loss
Every child coming into care experiences loss but there are things that we can do to support children and young people as they navigate living with loss
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What the Church needs to know about kinship care and how to support caring families
We want to equip the Church to better understand and support all families who provide kinship care and private fostering.
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Why is summer tricky?
For many parents, the 6 – 7 week stretch of the school holidays can be daunting, and for those raising children who have had a tricky start in life, this is amplified. So why is it so difficult?
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What the Church needs to know about violent behaviours
For some families caring for children who have had difficult starts in life, home can be a place where violence occurs.
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All serve and no return
Interactions with the children we care for are like the back-and-forths of a tennis match.
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Understanding Adolescence: Things that make a difference
It is not an exaggeration to say that great wraparound care for families can be life changing
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Understanding Adolescence: Questions and Decisions
All children who are fostered or have been adopted have experienced trauma, whatever the details of their story, and trauma has a profound impact on brain development.
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Understanding adolescence: What’s happening in the brain?
The first 1000 days of a child’s life are often heralded as being the most significant, in no small part because of what is happening in the brain.
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Love in action
It is well-evidenced that trauma has a deep-rooted impact on our emotional, physical, and social development, which can impede our ability to navigate the world and feel safe.
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Prioritising teenagers
Teenagers in care are 80% more likely than the national average to have two or more changes of home in a year.
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Our heart for teenagers
Home for Good is passionate about finding a home for every child, at every age.
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Rethinking our Approach to Older Children in Care
Older children in care are the fastest growing cohort of children and yet too many children who age out of the care system in England every year are doing so without a family to belong to.
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The new APPG inquiry is underway
In response to the independent review of Children’s Social Care in England, the APPG for Adoption and Permanence launched a new inquiry called Strengthening Families.
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What the church needs to know about sensory processing
Many care-experienced children experience sensory integration difficulties – what does this mean?
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'The investment of a lifetime report'
Is the economic spend on the care system in the UK bringing about the outcomes and flourishing for children and young people that we want to see?
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Understanding the good news of the gospel
The gospel is such good news, but for those who are care-experienced there are parts of the Easter story that may feel more complex.
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New Children’s Commissioner for England appointed
The Secretary of State for Education confirmed Dame Rachel de Souza as the next Children’s Commissioner for England
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A letter from Home for Good… To all those caring for care-experienced children in 2020
In this crazy year of 2020, we see you and we thank you.
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Five tips for navigating Christmas in a pandemic while caring for care-experienced children
For those of us caring for children who have experienced trauma, Christmas can be an interesting time...
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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting care-experienced children?
During this hugely challenging season, Home for Good is committed to our vision to find a home for every child who needs one. We will continue to work passionately on behalf of vulnerable children across the UK.
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Fostering has helped me to understand God as Father
Paul has seen so much about how God works and why he loves vulnerable children through becoming a foster carer.
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We fostered a teenager in lockdown
Welcoming a teenager into our home of four young children was a great decision for us.
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Why homeschooling in lockdown can be hard for fostering and adoptive families
For some families caring for children who have experienced trauma, this is a time where that additional pressure is amplified.
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Why does my son freak out on Zoom calls?
For so many of us this technology is a gift. The connection it brings us is precious. However, for those caring for vulnerable children, it can also herald new challenges.
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How will fostering affect my birth children?
Will they feel left out? Will they all get on? How will they cope when a child moves on?
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Understanding the impact of social distancing for foster and adoptive families
Social distancing will create additional challenges for all of us, and our families will find the changes and separation difficult in a number of ways.
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Caring for our relationships as foster and adoptive parents
This Valentines Day, adoptive mum Lucy reflects on how we can care for some of our most important relationships.
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The importance of rest for our children
Adoptive mum Lucy reflects on the value of rest, particularly for our children.
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5 questions to ask your parliamentary candidate during the 2019 General Election
What to ask your parliamentary candidate this general election
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Introducing Excitable Edgar…my son
Excitable Edgar from this year's John Lewis ad reminds us of many of the children we love and care for.
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When your church doesn't 'get' fostering, adoption and supported lodgings
What happens when your church doesn't seem to understand?
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What the Church needs to know about shame
Why do adopted/fostered children often feel a heightened sense of shame?
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A Reflection for World Social Work Day
Taking a moment to recognise all that social workers do in their role working with looked after children.
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How does God parent us therapeutically?
Exploring themes of therapeutic parenting in the Bible
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Instant Family FAQs
Some answers to questions you may have around the new film Instant Family
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What the Church needs to know about building resilience
Relationships are key to repairing trauma, building attachment and resilience.
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Adoption or trying for birth children – which should I do first?
All we actually know is that God has us in His hands. We can trust him for the path ahead.
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Three concerns you might have if your grown-up child wants to foster or adopt - and some ideas to help and encourage you
What if your grown-up child announces that he/she wants to adopt? You may be delighted – or quite understandably, you may feel anxious.
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Six ideas to help you enjoy December with looked after children
Gone are the days when Christmas was celebrated over a day or two.
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Why choose suffering?
Why would anyone choose a lifestyle that might make them susceptible to suffering?
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Foster carers, we see you...
Our thank you to all the selfless and wonderful foster carers who go above and beyond to love the children in their care.
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15 ways the Church can support foster and adoptive families through challenges and disruption
15 practical suggestions for providing families with the support they need through challenging times.
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The importance of rest
Adoptive mum Lucy reflects on the value of rest and how to achieve it.
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Social work: a career length of seven years
Julie talks with Anna, a child placement social worker.
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Supporting care-experienced children and their families: Ten things that really make a difference
The support you offer to families will really make a difference.
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What the Church needs to know about invisible needs
Every Sunday, thousands of children go to church with complex additional needs that aren't as visible.
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Not on my watch: Father's Day 2018
Krish Kandiah offers an inspirational call to men for Father's Day 2018.
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Fast Forward Five Years
The story of one individual's journey from a San Diego firepit to becoming a fostering family of five.
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Why are we waiting?
Many individuals and families have been approved to adopt, but are now waiting for their match. Why is this?
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Why we choose to wait
Given the current situation of many adopters waiting, we asked a friend to write about her experience.
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Why Jesus blessing the children isn't a 'nice' story
Jesus blessing the children cannot be contained by the word ‘nice’.
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What the Church needs to know about infertility
Infertility has been much misunderstood in Christian culture and in the Church.
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Adoption: The Myth and the Reality
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I saw the adoption statistic headlines last week.
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Looking suffering in the eye
Lucy shares from personal experience and Biblical reflection about how suffering is a part of adoption.
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What the Church needs to know about caring for children with lived experience of the care system
Understanding why and how parenting may need to be different.
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Making sense of introductions
What are 'introductions', why do they matter and how can we support adopters and foster carers who are going through this process.
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What the Church needs to know about FASD
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are a reality for many looked after children and their families.
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What the Church needs to know about support through application, assessment and waiting
How to support those going through the process to foster or adopt.
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Reflections from a Foster Carer: What is right and what is easy
A foster carer shares her heart and reflects on her role.
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Ten ways you can support foster carers… written by foster carers
Suggestions from foster carers for ten support ideas specific to fostering.
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What the Church needs to know about being called to foster or adopt
How choosing to foster or adopt can be a response to God's call.
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What the Church needs to know about moves
Why 'moves' matter and how to support families through times of transition.
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20 ways to engage and support children and young people with attachment difficulties
20 important and practical suggestions to consider.
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What the Church needs to know about attachment
To be safe and welcoming, it is vital that churches understand attachment.
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The Madlug Story
Madlug is a lifestyle brand with a difference. For every purchase, they give a bag to a child in care.
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What the Church needs to know about confidentiality
To be safe and welcoming, it is vital that churches understand and respect the need for confidentiality.
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Five ways to support families at Christmas
Christmas can be full of joy and festive fun, but also brings challenges.
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Supporting fostered and adopted children and young people in church or community groups
Tips and guidelines on how to support fostered and adopted children and young people.
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Moses, adoption and the Church - Part 2: Identity
Exploring the ongoing identity challenges many looked after children may have.
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A response to the Catholic Church's apology
Looking at some of the changes in adoption over recent decades and remembering the pain behind every adoption story.
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Moses, adoption and the Church - Part 1: Family
Exploring family and all its complicated and wonderful variations from Exodus 1 and 2.
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Five ways we can all #SupportAdoption
As part of National Adoption Week 2018 we want to encourage everyone to #SupportAdoption
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Churches as supportive communities – how Easter confronts us
How can churches become the kind of supportive, loving communities that are so needed by many who have fostered or adopted? How do we ensure we provide a place of hope and support when people feel isolated and overwhelmed?
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A reflection for Easter Saturday
The Bible is very quiet about that Saturday... It must have been a very dark day for those who lived it.
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Five things to ask foster carers or adoptive parents (and three questions to avoid)
Five questions that might help you better support foster or adoptive families
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Why we value support groups and would love to see more of them
Caring for vulnerable children is rarely easy, which is why support really matters.
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Moses, adoption and the Church - Part 3: Support
Exploring what support for foster and adoptive families could look like.
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What the Church needs to know about trauma
Helping us to understand that all children in care or with a care background have experienced trauma, and how we can respond to support them.
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York families respond to God's heart for young refugees
The extraordinary story of families in York responding to God's call to open their hearts and homes to young refugees.
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Ten ways to pray for new adoptive families
Ten ways to pray for new adoptive families during their introductions and early days together.
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Five times we should never say the word ‘just’ (and what to say instead)
For being such a tiny little word, ‘just’ carries with it some enormous connotations. Here are five examples of times that we need to avoid saying it – and suggestions for what we could say instead.
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What the Church needs to know about the real impact of support
How the Church can support foster and adoptive families and the difference it makes.
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What is a home for good?
An overview of different children's and young people's experiences and explanation of the types of care they may need.
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Ten things you can do to support families this summer
Ten ideas of small things you can do this summer, which might make a big difference to those who foster, adopt or provide supported lodgings.
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Preparing birth children for an adopted sibling
Lucy shares some practical tips from her personal experience of adopting after having birth children.
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How to stay calm in the chaos
Five tips from foster carers for holding on in the midst of the chaotic and unplanned moments.
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What the Church needs to know about single adopters
A growing number of those sensing God's call to adopt are single, so here are some thoughts from single adopters so we can better understand and support each one.
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Everyone has a role. So what's mine?
Julie reflects on the role that the Church can have in the lives of children with care experience.
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Reflections from a prospective foster carer: A big decision
For Foster Care Fortnight 2017, we asked foster carers for their thoughts.
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Reflections from a foster carer: Diary of introductions
For Foster Care Fortnight 2017, we asked foster carers for their thoughts.
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Reflections from a foster carer: The magic wand
For Foster Care Fortnight 2017, we asked foster carers for their thoughts.
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Film resource: Pete's Dragon (2016)
Find out more about Pete's Dragon, Disney's latest live-action family film about an orphan and his dragon.
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Film resource: Finding Dory
Disney's latest film is beautiful and hilarious - but not for 93,000 children in the UK.
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Reflection 5: Changing futures
Our final advent reflection considers the cost of serving God however He asks.
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Reflection 4: Trusting to fulfilment
Our fourth advent reflection looks at Luke 2.6-7.
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Reflection 3: Making ready
Our third advent reflection considers how Mary and Joseph reacted to the promises spoken over them.
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Reflection 2: Faithfully preparing
Could this advent be the beginning of your journey?
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Reflection 1: Seed of an idea
Could this advent be the beginning of your journey?
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PEACE in our waiting
The final reflection written for Advent 2015, focussed on PEACE in our waiting, found in Jesus.
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WISDOM in our waiting
The third of our reflections written for Advent 2015, focussed on the Magi and WISDOM in our waiting.
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JOY in our waiting
The second of our reflections written for Advent 2015, focussed on the shepherds and JOY in our waiting.
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HOPE in our waiting
The first of our reflections written for Advent 2015, focussed on Mary and HOPE in our waiting.
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Four reasons fostering and adoption are in the DNA of the Church - part four
Reason four: Because, at our best, it is what we have always done.
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Four reasons fostering and adoption are in the DNA of the Church - part three
Reason three: Because it explains, expresses and celebrates who we are.
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Four reasons fostering and adoption are in the DNA of the Church - part two
Reason two: Because it is a justice issue.
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Four reasons fostering and adoption are in the DNA of the Church - part one
Reason one: Because of God's heart for the vulnerable.
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