Blog: Foster carers

Back to school


Back to school

School, and the return to it after the summer holidays, can be particularly challenging for children who have had a difficult start in life.

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Dan's Story: Two things I'd want carers and parents to know


Dan's Story: Two things I'd want carers and parents to know

Dan reflects on his experience of foster care and adoption, and shares two things he'd love every foster carer, adoptive parent and supported lodgings host to know

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Why isn’t there a theology of foster care?


Why isn’t there a theology of foster care?

Inspired by Foster Care Fortnight, I wanted to write a piece about theology and foster care. But here’s the trouble: there isn’t a theology of foster care.

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Five changes we want to see in 2023


Five changes we want to see in 2023

At Home for Good we are committed to seeing change from the top down – sparking systemic improvements to the care system plays a crucial role in our mission to find homes across the UK.

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Tracey's story


Tracey's story

Tracey shared with us why she believes anyone, anywhere, has the potential to be a great foster carer.

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Using my voice: reflections from a foster carer


Using my voice: reflections from a foster carer

To be a foster carer is to be an advocate. A lot of what we do is related to speaking up for our children to ensure that they have what they need to thrive.

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Tackling barriers to fostering

Tackling barriers to fostering

Home for Good hosted a roundtable to investigate the barriers to prospective foster carers making it through the process. It is vital that there are enough foster carers with the right skills in the right places to welcome children.

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Journeying with others: Emily and James’ story


Journeying with others: Emily and James’ story

For James and Emily, the idea of fostering was daunting, but with the offer of some extra support from Home for Good, it felt doable.

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"This is your bedroom!"


"This is your bedroom!"

A foster carer shares how they prepared their home for their first foster child.

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A joy like no other


A joy like no other

Donna shares her family's story of fostering siblings

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Compassion Fatigue: How to help


Compassion Fatigue: How to help

What to do if you’re alongside someone who might have compassion fatigue, whether they have identified it as this or not.

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Compassion Fatigue: Five things you can do


Compassion Fatigue: Five things you can do

It can be so difficult to recognise and acknowledge the signs of compassion fatigue. Here are five things you can do if this is where you find yourself today.

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Compassion Fatigue: The symptoms and the cause


Compassion Fatigue: The symptoms and the cause

Compassion fatigue can affect people from all walks of life. But what is it, and why does it happen to us?

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Three things to practice this summer


Three things to practice this summer

Whatever the next few months hold for you, we want you to know we are standing with you and praying for you.

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All serve and no return


All serve and no return

Interactions with the children we care for are like the back-and-forths of a tennis match.

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Emergency fostering - Tracy and Wayne's story


Emergency fostering - Tracy and Wayne's story

Tracy and Wayne share their experience of emergency foster care

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Early permanence - Ruth and Phil's story


Early permanence - Ruth and Phil's story

Ruth and Phil share their experience of concurrent care fostering.

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Parent and child fostering - a foster carer's story


Parent and child fostering - a foster carer's story

A foster carer shares her families experience of parent and child fostering.

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Respite fostering - foster carers' stories


Respite fostering - foster carers' stories

Foster carers share their experience of respite foster care.

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Short break fostering - Rob and Lisa's story


Short break fostering - Rob and Lisa's story

Rob and Lisa share their experience of short break fostering.

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Long-term fostering - Isobel's story


Long-term fostering - Isobel's story

Isobel shares her experience of long-term foster care

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Short-term fostering - Wendy and David's story


Short-term fostering - Wendy and David's story

Wendy and David share their story of being short-term foster carers.

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David's story


David's story

David shares how fostering has taught him about the Father heart of God

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Three reasons why caring about children is important to me


Three reasons why caring about children is important to me

Home for Good champion Bella shares with us three reasons why caring about vulnerable children is important to her.

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Five tips for navigating Christmas in a pandemic while caring for care-experienced children


Five tips for navigating Christmas in a pandemic while caring for care-experienced children

For those of us caring for children who have experienced trauma, Christmas can be an interesting time...

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Fostering has helped me to understand God as Father


Fostering has helped me to understand God as Father

Paul has seen so much about how God works and why he loves vulnerable children through becoming a foster carer.

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We fostered a teenager in lockdown


We fostered a teenager in lockdown

Welcoming a teenager into our home of four young children was a great decision for us.

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Why homeschooling in lockdown can be hard for fostering and adoptive families


Why homeschooling in lockdown can be hard for fostering and adoptive families

For some families caring for children who have experienced trauma, this is a time where that additional pressure is amplified.

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Why does my son freak out on Zoom calls?


Why does my son freak out on Zoom calls?

For so many of us this technology is a gift. The connection it brings us is precious. However, for those caring for vulnerable children, it can also herald new challenges.

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The Curtis' fostering story


The Curtis' fostering story

Our church, family and friends have caught the vision too. We so appreciate it.

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Thoughts of a foster carer: Great Expectations


Thoughts of a foster carer: Great Expectations

The festive time of year is loaded with pressure and expectations

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Harry's fostering story


Harry's fostering story

In the first four weeks of his life Harry had lived in three different houses with three different families.

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Foster carers, we see you...


Foster carers, we see you...

Our thank you to all the selfless and wonderful foster carers who go above and beyond to love the children in their care.

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Glimpses of Motherhood: Julie's Story


Glimpses of Motherhood: Julie's Story

Julie offers emergency and respite foster care as a single carer, and she shares her courageous story of responding to the need that grieves her heart.

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Glimpses of Motherhood: Joy's Story


Glimpses of Motherhood: Joy's Story

Foster carer Joy shares her heart for welcoming children into her family and being the mother they need.

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