Racial justice and finding homes: an evening with Dr. Pearl Jarrett

Every child is created with intrinsic worth, full of potential and passion, and deserves a stable place to call home with people around them who will support, care for and journey with them.

Black children are disproportionately represented in our care system. They are among those who wait the longest for the right home to be found for them.

This is a justice issue - and it’s one that we care deeply about.

Come and join us, pull up a chair, grab something to eat and be part of the conversation as we explore what we can do together to make a difference.

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Dr. Pearl Jarrett is a multi-award winning businesswoman, philanthropist, speaker, actor, singer and ‘disruptive changemaker’. She’s also “Aunty Pearl” to numerous young people as she mentors those with budding entrepreneurial and innovative ideas.

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Together we can find a home for every child who needs one.

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