St David's Adoption Service

Welsh Version

Home for Good is working with St David’s Adoption Service, an all-Wales adoption charity dedicated to finding families based in Wales for children with a plan for adoption.

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We recommend St David’s because:

Since 1942, St David’s Adoption Service has been enabling and supporting adoptive families to help children grow and thrive. On average, each year they place over 30 children in Wales with families who will commit to and care for them.
With a faith-based heritage, as an organisation they welcome applicants from all faiths and celebrate the diverse qualities and unique experiences people from church communities can bring.
In 2019, St David’s was inspected by the Care Inspectorate Wales. The overall assessment found the organisation to be ‘well led and managed and works in collaboration with other agencies to improve services and outcomes for children…The staff, managers and panel are experienced; well trained and motivated and committed to quality assurance and the continuing improvement of the service.’
St David’s Adoption Service is committed to making sure its families receive the best post-adoption care. They offer ongoing personal support and expertise whenever and however families need it. You are never alone when you adopt through St David’s – their social workers will be beside you every step of the way providing universal, targeted and specialist adoption support designed to help meet your needs.
Every month, St David’s host support groups which bring their adoptive families together – this is in addition to their twice-yearly family fun days! They also provide online and in-person training and workshops as well as information, advice and advocacy from their social workers. Their partnership arrangements mean there is access to clinical psychologist-led workshops, programmes and one-to-one sessions should they be needed..

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Child Profile

St David’s Adoption Service are looking for families for a range of children of all different ages, needs and backgrounds.

The following example profiles reflect some of the types of children in Wales waiting for their adoptive family.

Child Profile

Mae Home for Good yn cydweithio â Gwasanaeth Mabwysiadu Dewi Sant, elusen fabwysiadu ar gyfer Cymru gyfan sy’n ymroi i ddod o hyd i deuluoedd yng Nghymru ar gyfer plant sydd â chynllun mabwysiadu.

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Rydym yn argymell Gwasanaeth Mabwysiadu Dewi Sant oherwydd:

PErs 1942, mae Gwasanaeth Mabwysiadu Dewi Sant wedi bod yn galluogi ac yn cefnogi teuluoedd sy'n mabwysiadu i helpu plant i dyfu a ffynnu. Ar gyfartaledd, maent yn lleoli dros 30 o blant yng Nghymru bob blwyddyn gyda theuluoedd a fydd yn cynnig cariad a gofal gydol oes iddynt.
Mae gan y Gwasanaeth gefndir ffydd, mae'n croesawu ymgeiswyr o bob ffydd ac yn dathlu'r nodweddion amrywiol a'r profiadau unigryw y gall pobl o gymunedau eglwysi eu cynnig.
Yn 2019, cafodd Gwasanaeth Mabwysiadu Dewi Sant ei arolygu gan Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru. Canfu’r asesiad cyffredinol fod y sefydliad yn cael ei arwain a’i reoli’n dda a'i fod yn cydweithio ag asiantaethau eraill i wella gwasanaethau a chanlyniadau i blant. Dywedwyd bod y staff, y rheolwyr a’r panel yn brofiadol, wedi’u hyfforddi’n dda, yn frwd ac wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau ansawdd ac i wella’r gwasanaeth yn barhaus.
Mae Gwasanaeth Mabwysiadu Dewi Sant wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod y teuluoedd yn cael y gofal gorau ar ôl mabwysiadu. Maent yn cynnig cefnogaeth bersonol ac arbenigedd pryd bynnag a sut bynnag y mae ar deuluoedd eu hangen. Nid ydych byth ar eich pen eich hunan pan fyddwch yn mabwysiadu trwy Wasanaeth Mabwysiadu Dewi Sant – bydd eu gweithwyr cymdeithasol wrth law bob cam o’r ffordd i gynnig cymorth cyffredinol, pwrpasol ac arbenigol i helpu i ddiwallu’ch anghenion.
Bob mis, mae'r Gwasanaeth yn cynnal grwpiau cymorth sy’n dod â theuluoedd sydd wedi mabwysiadu ynghyd – yn ogystal â diwrnodau hwyl i’r teulu ddwywaith y flwyddyn! Maent hefyd yn cynnal hyfforddiant a gweithdai ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb ac mae eu gweithwyr cymdeithasol yn cynnig gwybodaeth, cyngor a gwasanaeth eirioli. Trwy drefniadau partneriaeth, gellir manteisio ar raglenni, sesiynau un-i-un a gweithdai dan arweiniad seicolegydd clinigol os oes angen.

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