Tag: Care-experienced

Dan's Story: Two things I'd want carers and parents to know
Dan reflects on his experience of foster care and adoption, and shares two things he'd love every foster carer, adoptive parent and supported lodgings host to know
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Louise’s story
Louise and her adoptive mum Erin share their personal experiences of contact with Louise’s birth dad.
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We see you this Christmas
To every individual, couple and family loving and raising care-experienced children..
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Unwrapping Christmas: Presents
We all have different preferences, experiences and priorities when it comes to presents. For care-experienced children and their families, it’s another part of Christmas that might need to look a little different.
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Unwrapping Christmas: Meals
For many of us, our enjoyment and experience of food is something we take for granted, particularly at this time of year. Here are four things that might mean food at Christmas has to look a little different for some families.
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Unwrapping Christmas: Church
We want to highlight three examples of areas that can be challenging and offer some questions that might help you consider what part you could play in supporting the families in your church in this season.
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Unwrapping Christmas: Films
Let’s dig a little deeper into some of the storylines, themes and character depictions in our favourite Christmas films.
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