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Dan's Story: Two things I'd want carers and parents to know
Dan reflects on his experience of foster care and adoption, and shares two things he'd love every foster carer, adoptive parent and supported lodgings host to know
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This really matters: Amara's* story
Amara shares with us her experience adopting her daughter, and her passion to see justice for Black children in care.
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Preparing for the unknown: Jonathan's story
Jonathan reflects on the journey his family have been on as they prepare to welcome a little one into their home for the first time.
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Introducing Simon Jay
Simon recently joined the Home for Good team as UKME Theologian and Advisor. Here he shares a little of his story and his hope as we continue to work to tackle racial disparity within the care system.
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Waiting for children: A reflection
‘When?’ is a big question. ‘When?’ is a question that has no answer. I’m an expectant mother with no idea when my children will appear. And that is one of the strangest experiences of my life.
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Tracey's story
Tracey shared with us why she believes anyone, anywhere, has the potential to be a great foster carer.
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Why I give monthly to Home for Good
Friend of Home for Good Natasha shares with us some reflections on her decision to begin giving regularly.
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Keren's story
Keren is a parent and child foster carer, supporting young parents to care for their children.
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A new picture: Adam and Kate's story
Adam* and Kate* are just beginning to think about what their family might look like one day. They’ve shared with us some reflections after attending a fostering information session.
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Erin's story
Louise and her adoptive mum Erin share their personal experiences of contact with Louise’s birth dad.
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Louise’s story
Louise and her adoptive mum Erin share their personal experiences of contact with Louise’s birth dad.
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Working together in Torbay - Steve's story
Steve shares his experience as an adopted adult
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David and Heidi’s story
"Everywhere we looked we would see a poster inviting the public to consider fostering, and every second person we met were either already foster carers or on their way through the process... so we signed up!"
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From two to three - Earl's story
The jump from no kids to two kids is a big one. Earl shares his family's story.
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Using my voice: reflections from a foster carer
To be a foster carer is to be an advocate. A lot of what we do is related to speaking up for our children to ensure that they have what they need to thrive.
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Johnny’s story
Johnny's church has partnered with Home for Good and his desire is that this partnership mobilises people to give generously of their time, their resources and their ideas.
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The power of people who ‘get it’
What difference you could make in the lives of those who love and are raising care-experienced children by even more intentionally journeying alongside?
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Laura's story
Adoptive mum Laura decided that every penny made from her book would be donated to Home for Good to help find a home for every child who needs one.
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Steph's story
Steph shares how Home for Good journeyed with her when she sensed God calling her to adopt.
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A year in: reflections from a foster carer
Tom and Christina share some reflections after their first year as foster carers.
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Mother's Day: a different perspective
As we celebrate Mother’s Day this year, we at Home for Good want to share the stories and amplify the voices of a number of different women as they mark this time of year. We asked them a number of questions, and it’s our privilege to share their reflections with you.
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A gesture of gratitude: Laura’s story
Families need to be surrounded and supported in a variety of ways, so there truly is a part that each of us can play!
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Journeying with others: Emily and James’ story
For James and Emily, the idea of fostering was daunting, but with the offer of some extra support from Home for Good, it felt doable.
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Listening and speaking
People often think advocacy is primarily about speaking, but I’ve come to recognise that effective advocacy always begins with listening.
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A part to play right away
A reflection from Michael*, 24, a Friend of Home for Good.
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"This is your bedroom!"
A foster carer shares how they prepared their home for their first foster child.
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Christmas with the Bailey* family
After the year we’ve had, there’s a lot of talk about celebrating a ‘normal’ Christmas this year. But is there really such a thing?
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Christmas with the McAllister* family
After the year we’ve had, there’s a lot of talk about celebrating a ‘normal’ Christmas this year. But is there really such a thing?
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Christmas with the Anderson* family
After the year we’ve had, there’s a lot of talk about celebrating a ‘normal’ Christmas this year. But is there really such a thing?
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Christmas with the Abbott* family
After the year we’ve had, there’s a lot of talk about celebrating a ‘normal’ Christmas this year. But is there really such a thing?
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Christmas with the John family
After the year we’ve had, there’s a lot of talk about celebrating a ‘normal’ Christmas this year. But is there really such a thing?
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Christmas with the Hobbs* family
After the year we’ve had, there’s a lot of talk about celebrating a ‘normal’ Christmas this year. But is there really such a thing?
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Christmas with the Walker* family
After the year we’ve had, there’s a lot of talk about celebrating a ‘normal’ Christmas this year. But is there really such a thing?
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Christmas with the Maddens* family
After the year we’ve had, there’s a lot of talk about celebrating a ‘normal’ Christmas this year. But is there really such a thing?
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'Because you look after me': Julia's story
Julia shares her story of adopting her son when he was five
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What it means to be family: Selam’s story
Selam came to the UK from Ethiopia when she was 14 years old. Now an adult, she’s shared with us some stories and reflections from her time with foster carers Sarah and Graham.
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What it means to be family: Sarah's story
When Selam arrived in the UK as an unaccompanied young person, Sarah and her husband Graham welcomed her into their family.
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A passion for welcome
An adoptive parent shares their story of welcome and hospitality
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Introducing Seth Pinnock
There are some things that might not make sense to us in the here and now, but when we look back in retrospect it becomes clear that they were part of something bigger.
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A ready-made community: Sharon and Rich’s story
For Sharon and Rich, their church family has been an integral part of providing love, stability and community for their fostered child.
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Brighton Marathon: Verity’s story
We caught up with the amazing Verity, who is running the Brighton Marathon for Home for Good.
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Adopting a child with additional needs
Victoria shares her experience of adopting children with additional needs
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Glimmers of Hope
Dave shares his family story of welcoming in a teenage foster daughter
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Emergency fostering - Tracy and Wayne's story
Tracy and Wayne share their experience of emergency foster care
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Early permanence - Ruth and Phil's story
Ruth and Phil share their experience of concurrent care fostering.
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Parent and child fostering - a foster carer's story
A foster carer shares her families experience of parent and child fostering.
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Respite fostering - foster carers' stories
Foster carers share their experience of respite foster care.
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Short break fostering - Rob and Lisa's story
Rob and Lisa share their experience of short break fostering.
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Long-term fostering - Isobel's story
Isobel shares her experience of long-term foster care
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Short-term fostering - Wendy and David's story
Wendy and David share their story of being short-term foster carers.
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David's story
David shares how fostering has taught him about the Father heart of God
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Three reasons why caring about children is important to me
Home for Good champion Bella shares with us three reasons why caring about vulnerable children is important to her.
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I was fostered, so now I foster
Jenna shares her story of taking the brave step to help other children who need a home.
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Jenna's story
I was certain that my future family was to be made up of both biological and adopted children.
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The lessons I’ve learned from fostering
Pat was a teacher for many years, but becoming a foster carer in her retirement has taught her so much.
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Sarah and Jeremy's story
Sarah and Jeremy had their house altered, giving them space to foster.
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Marie's story
They needed more short-term carers for teenagers, this is where my life would change forever.
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The Curtis' fostering story
Our church, family and friends have caught the vision too. We so appreciate it.
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Harry's adoption story
We felt so strongly that just as adoption is God's first choice, it should be our first choice too.
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Harry's fostering story
In the first four weeks of his life Harry had lived in three different houses with three different families.
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A home for good in Kent: Katy's story
Katy is only three but had known as many families in her short life. Thankfully, she now has her home for good.
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They felt this was her last chance: Coli's story
Coli had been waiting for her adoptive family for more than a year when she was featured on ITV's This Morning to raise awareness of children who desperately needed a loving home. Coli's mum, Kate, tells her story.
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‘She has captured their hearts’: Millie’s circle of support
When Millie came home for good, she wasn’t just welcomed by her adoptive parents but by siblings, wider family and friends.
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Putting God's love into action: Katie and Stuart's story
Katie and Stuart share how God led them to fostering.
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A sense of awe and wonder: Millie’s story
Millie was only a few months old when social workers begin seeking her adoptive family. Adoptive mum Rachel shares her story.
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Helping foster children to get what all kids need: Emma's story
Emma shares about how her church is helping her foster children feel accepted, validated and loved.
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A welcome for all: Jen and Paul's story
Jen and Paul share their story and their heart for welcoming teenage refugees into their home.
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My foster family changed my life: Fran's story
Fran shares her beautiful and inspiring story.
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A wonderful addition to our family: Clare and Mark's story
Clare and Mark share how they were prompted to respond to God's call as a whole family.
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Fill it with something worthwhile: Sandra and Harry's story
Sandra and Harry share about their realisation that they could be part of the solution.
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Making room: Sarah and Robert's story
Sarah and Robert share their story of making room for vulnerable children through fostering.
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Finding family in the UK: Kamal's story
It took Kamal seven months to reach Calais after he had to leave his home in Sudan at just fourteen years old. After finally arriving in England, Kamal went to live with Laura and her family.
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Holding on for our children: Lisa's story
Lisa was challenged by our call to care for vulnerable children and went on to adopt siblings.
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Together in a home for good: Meli and Satya's story
A year ago, sisters Meli and Satya were living apart from each other in separate foster placements - now they are together in their home for good.
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The ordinary extraordinary: Anna's story
Anna used to think fostering was only for 'extraordinary' people, but through Home for Good she came to realise that she could do it too.
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Safe in a good home: Molly's story
Molly was just a few hours old when she was placed with foster carers Lewis and Caroline.
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Kev's story
Kev shares how his experience of adoption has led him to open his home.
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Mark's story
Mark shares his story of being a dad through birth, adoption and fostering.
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Fostering a teenage refugee: Zara's story
Zara shares her story of fostering an unaccompanied Eritrean teenager.
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Responding to the need: Kevin's story
Kevin shares his story of responding to the need for foster carers in his area.
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Why support groups matter and how to make them happen: Melissa’s story
Melissa shares her experience of support groups
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The Robinson's story
Earl and Rebecca's adoption journey began in the US and finished in the UK.
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The Robinson's church story
Earl and Rebecca's church tells us about their experience of welcoming their adoptive daughters.
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Caroline's story
Caroline and her husband decided to adopt after an Adoption Sunday at their church.
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Yeovil Family Church's story
Yeovil Family Church has hosted Adoption Sunday for two years, and has seen families choose to foster, adopt and support.
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John and Paula's story
In their late fifties, John and Paula began caring for a mother and her baby.
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Jim and Pam's story
After a break from fostering, Jim and Pam decided to give it another go - one placement at a time.
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Jason and Debbie's story
Jason and Debbie reflect on real hospitality and fostering.
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Christine's story
Despite the heartache, Christine and her family say that fostering is the best decision they've made.
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Ruth's story
Ruth and her husband wanted to adopt siblings to make a difference in children’s lives.
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Naomi's story
Through her family’s decision to become foster carers, Naomi has gained a brother.
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Carl and Caren's story
Carl and Caren can see God working through their whole family through fostering.
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It started with weekends: Ethan's story
Ethan was in short-term foster care waiting for his home for good through long-term fostering. Foster carer Jane shares his story.
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Glimpses of Motherhood: An adoptive mother's story
An adoptive mum shares honestly about becoming a mother for the second time, and her heart for her precious adopted daughter.
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Glimpses of Motherhood: Kirsty's Story
Kirsty writes about the tension of leaving in the 'not yet' of motherhood, and explores how this can shape her 'now'.
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Glimpses of Motherhood: Julie's Story
Julie offers emergency and respite foster care as a single carer, and she shares her courageous story of responding to the need that grieves her heart.
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Glimpses of Motherhood: Ruth's Story
Ruth shares her story of being a 'mother to many'.
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Glimpses of Motherhood: Joy's Story
Foster carer Joy shares her heart for welcoming children into her family and being the mother they need.
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